
late fee中文什么意思

发音:   用"late fee"造句
  • (英国邮局在规定时间之后投递邮件所收的)过时补加费。
  • late:    adj. (later, latter; latest, ...
  • fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名 ...
  • late payment fee:    延期支付罚金,滞纳金; 滞纳金
  • man pays library $171 47-year late fee:    美国一男子借书逾期47年被罚171美元
  • fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费。 2.赏金,小账。 3.【历史】(封建时代的)采邑,封地。 4.永租地;永业田,世袭地。 5.所有权;继承财产。 a doctor's fee for a visit 医生的出诊费。 a monthly fee 月薪。 a license fee 牌照费。 a membership fee 会费。 a school [tuition] fee 学费。 fee of permit 执照税,牌照税。 hold in fee (simple) 拥有无条件继承的权利。 vt. 1.给…发薪水,给…小费,向…交手续费,缴(会费)[学费](等)。 2.〔英国〕雇用,聘请。
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  1. Great . i ' ll have to pay a late fee
  2. You have to pay a late fee of nt $ 20
  3. More charges came in more late fees
  4. I ' ll take them off your late fees
  5. In short i collect late fees


    A late fee, also known as a late fine or a past due fee, is a charge levied against a client by a company or organization for not paying a bill or returning a rented or borrowed item by its due date. Its use is most commonly associated with businesses like creditors, video rental outlets and libraries.


        late:    adj. (later, latter; latest, ...
        fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名 ...
        late payment fee:    延期支付罚金,滞纳金; 滞纳金
        man pays library $171 47-year late fee:    美国一男子借书逾期47年被罚171美元
        fee:    n. 1.报酬;薪水;公费;手续费;税;会费,学费,报名费,入场费。 2.赏金,小账。 3.【历史】(封建时代的)采邑,封地。 4.永租地;永业田,世袭地。 5.所有权;继承财产。 a doctor's fee for a visit 医生的出诊费。 a monthly fee 月薪。 a license fee 牌照费。 a membership fee 会费。 a school [tuition] fee 学费。 fee of permit 执照税,牌照税。 hold in fee (simple) 拥有无条件继承的权利。 vt. 1.给…发薪水,给…小费,向…交手续费,缴(会费)[学费](等)。 2.〔英国〕雇用,聘请。
        s fee:    代理人费
        be late:    迟到
        be late for:    晚了,迟到; 因…而迟到
        it is late:    时间不早了,再说我也很累,不想出去。
        late:    adj. (later, latter; latest, last) 1. 迟,晚。 2.晚期的,后期的。 3.晚近的,新近的,近时的。 4.已去世的,已故的。 5. 前任的;卸任不久的。 a late comer 迟到者。 be two minutes too late for the train 来晚了两分钟没有赶上火车。 be late for school [work] 小学[上班]迟到。 be late from school [an office] 迟迟从学校[办公室]回来。 a late Customer 晚来顾客。 a late dinner 晚上的正餐。 a late marriage 晚婚。 a late worker 通常工作很晚的人。 at a late hour 在很晚的时候。 in one's late years 晚年。 in the late afternoon 傍晚。 in the late seventies 七十年代后期。 in the late 20th century 二十世纪末叶。 late crops 晚熟作物。 late spring 暮春。 one's late residence 故居。 the late belligerents 前不久的交战国。 the late earthquake 最近的地震。 my late husband (寡妇用语) 亡夫。 the late Professor Li 已故的李教授。 the late prime minister 前总理[首相]。 keep late hours 迟睡迟起。 of late 近来。 of late years 近年来。 adv. 1.迟;过迟,来不及。 2.晚;到深夜。 3.以前是,原先是。 4. 不久前;最近。 as late as 1945 近在1945年。 Better late than never 〔谚语〕迟做总比不做好。 come late 来迟。 It is never too late to learn. 〔谚语〕活到老,学到老。 ripen late 晚熟。 early and late 从早到晚。 early or late = sooner or later. late in 1960's 在二十世纪六十年代后期。 work late into the night 工作到深夜。 his own room, late his uncle's 他自己的屋子,以前是他叔父住的。 Mr. Smith, late of London 最近住在伦敦的史密斯先生。 I saw her as late as yesterday. 直到昨天我还看见过她。 sit up late 深夜不睡。 n. -ness
        late on:    过后,后来; 过后,后来
        of late:    近来,最近; 最近
        late-late:    在深夜的
        do fee documentation fee:    单证费
        documentation fee and handling fee:    文件登记处理费
        issue fee; registration fee:    领证费
        lee fee-fee the heroine:    女侠李飞飞
        telex fee express fee:    通讯快件费
        late arrival ( late-show ):    在预定保留期以后到达的客人
        late marriage and late childbearing:    晚婚晚育
        late marriage and late childbirth:    晚婚晚育
        a lication fee:    申请费
        a license fee:    牌照费
        a membership fee:    会费
        a monthly fee:    月薪



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